divendres, 21 de maig del 2010

Airbourne, Kiss, and Aerosmith in one month!!

Yes, this next month I, Kevin, and Cristian are going to go to three very good concerts!

The 23 of June, we're going to go see Airbourne in Barcelona with our parents, and at 8 we will go to the sala Apollo. Then, we'll pass the night into a hotel with our family in Barcelona.

The 24 of July, we'll see KISS at Palau Sant Jordi, to KISS, our parents will go with us. Then, in the night we'll return to our house.

The 27 of June, we're going to see Aerosmith only I, Cristian, Kevin and Nessie in Barcelona.

Kevin has given this last ticket to me for our two year birthday! I gave to he one of my best paintings that I've ever done:

Well, I think that this will be one of the best end academic year of my life, and the best summer beggining!!


2 comentaris:

  1. Wow Paula, your painting is very great *.*
    you have to make a paint of Johnny for me!

    you're incredible.

  2. it's the painting that you show me last week, right?

    I want to go to a lot of concerts too, i'll try to do as you and take the summer to do it.

    see you
