Helloween - I want out
From our lives' beginning on, --> Desde que la nostra vida comença,
we are pushed in little forms, --> ens presionen amb petites coses,
no one asks us how we like to be. --> ningú ens pregunta com volem ser.
In school they teach you what to think, --> A l'escola t'ensenyen el que has de pensar
but everyone says different things, --> però tothom diu coses diferents,
but they're all convinced --> però tots estan convençuts
that they're the ones to see. --> de que són els únics que tenen raó.
So they keep talking and they never stop, --> Així que segueixen parlant sense parar,
and at a certain point you give it up, --> i arriba un moment que et rendeixes,
so the only thing that's left to think is this... --> doncs la unica cosa que et queda pensar és...
I want out! To live my life alone... --> Vull desconectar! Per viure en pau
I want out! Leave me be! --> Vull desconectar! Deixeu-me tranquil/a!
I want out! To do things on my own... --> Vull desconectar! Per actuar per mi mateixa
I want out! To live my life and to be free! --> Vull desconectar! Per viure la meva vida i ser lliure!
People tell me A and B, --> La gent em diu A i B,
they tell me how I have to see, --> em diuen com tinc que veure,
things that I have seen already clear. --> les coses que ja he vist clares.
So they push me then from side to side, --> Em presiones per totes parts,
they're pushing me from black to white, --> em volen fer veure el que és blanc negre,
they're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear. --> ells em presionen fins que no hi ha res més que escoltar.
But don't push me to the maximum, --> Però no em presionis al màxim,
shut your mouth and take it home, --> tenca la boca i vés a casa,
'cause I decide the way things gonna be... --> perquè jo decidiré com seran les coses...
I want out! To live my life alone... --> Vull desconectar! Per viure en pau...
I want out! Leave me be! --> Vull desconectar! Deixeu-me tranquil/a!
I want out! To do things on my own... --> Vull desconectar! Per actuar per mi mateixa...
I want out! To live my life and to be free! --> Vull desconectar! Per viure la meva vida i ser lliure!
There's a million ways to see the things in life, --> Hi ha mil formes de veure les coses a la vida,
a million ways to be the fool. --> mil formes de fer el tonto.
In the end of it, none of us is right, --> Al final, ningú de nosaltres té raó,
Sometimes we need to be alone! --> de vegades necessitem estar sols!
No, no, no... leave me alone! --> No, no, no... Deixa'm en pau!
I want out! To live my life alone... --> Vull desconectar! Per viure en pau...
I want out! Leave me be! --> Vull desconectar! Deixeu-me tranquil/a!
I want out! To do things on my own... --> Vull desconectar! Per actuar per mi mateixa...
I want out! To live my life and to be free! --> Vull desconectar! Per viure la meva vida i ser lliure!
Here, the video!!
Fa 14 anys