dimecres, 7 d’octubre del 2009

A song I really love!

Helloween - I want out

From our lives' beginning on, --> Desde que la nostra vida comença,
we are pushed in little forms, --> ens presionen amb petites coses,
no one asks us how we like to be. --> ningú ens pregunta com volem ser.
In school they teach you what to think, --> A l'escola t'ensenyen el que has de pensar
but everyone says different things, --> però tothom diu coses diferents,
but they're all convinced --> però tots estan convençuts
that they're the ones to see. --> de que són els únics que tenen raó.

So they keep talking and they never stop, --> Així que segueixen parlant sense parar,
and at a certain point you give it up, --> i arriba un moment que et rendeixes,
so the only thing that's left to think is this... --> doncs la unica cosa que et queda pensar és...

I want out! To live my life alone... --> Vull desconectar! Per viure en pau
I want out! Leave me be! --> Vull desconectar! Deixeu-me tranquil/a!
I want out! To do things on my own... --> Vull desconectar! Per actuar per mi mateixa
I want out! To live my life and to be free! --> Vull desconectar! Per viure la meva vida i ser lliure!

People tell me A and B, --> La gent em diu A i B,
they tell me how I have to see, --> em diuen com tinc que veure,
things that I have seen already clear. --> les coses que ja he vist clares.
So they push me then from side to side, --> Em presiones per totes parts,
they're pushing me from black to white, --> em volen fer veure el que és blanc negre,
they're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear. --> ells em presionen fins que no hi ha res més que escoltar.

But don't push me to the maximum, --> Però no em presionis al màxim,
shut your mouth and take it home, --> tenca la boca i vés a casa,
'cause I decide the way things gonna be... --> perquè jo decidiré com seran les coses...

I want out! To live my life alone... --> Vull desconectar! Per viure en pau...
I want out! Leave me be! --> Vull desconectar! Deixeu-me tranquil/a!
I want out! To do things on my own... --> Vull desconectar! Per actuar per mi mateixa...
I want out! To live my life and to be free! --> Vull desconectar! Per viure la meva vida i ser lliure!

There's a million ways to see the things in life, --> Hi ha mil formes de veure les coses a la vida,
a million ways to be the fool. --> mil formes de fer el tonto.
In the end of it, none of us is right, --> Al final, ningú de nosaltres té raó,
Sometimes we need to be alone! --> de vegades necessitem estar sols!

No, no, no... leave me alone! --> No, no, no... Deixa'm en pau!

I want out! To live my life alone... --> Vull desconectar! Per viure en pau...
I want out! Leave me be! --> Vull desconectar! Deixeu-me tranquil/a!
I want out! To do things on my own... --> Vull desconectar! Per actuar per mi mateixa...
I want out! To live my life and to be free! --> Vull desconectar! Per viure la meva vida i ser lliure!

Here, the video!!


dilluns, 5 d’octubre del 2009

Email to teacher!!

Hi Sonia!

I'm Paula De Scheemaeker Cruset from 4B, and this is my presentation.
Sorry, I'm late with this. I can't send it before because I didn't have Internet connection. The St. Pere Pescador connection it's really bad.

This is my presentation:


I'm Paula De Scheemaeker Cruset and I live in St. Pere Pescador. I'm 15 years old. My father is from Belgium, and my mother is from here, Catalunya. All my life I lived here, but my family and I go there one time every year. And I'm really interested in English.

My English began in 1rst of primary, in school. Then, in 4th of primary, I continue doing my classes in school, but I began to go lessons in my town. I continue doing classes for 5 years, and I learn a lot of this language. Now, I don't have a lot of time, and I'm not going to do classes more (I'll do lessons only in school).

After 4th of ESO, I'll do the cientific batxillerat in IES Castelló d'Empúries, and then, I will go to university, and I'll begin to do a medicine career, because I want to be a forensic, a doctor, or a biologist, I don't know. But that is what I love, and what I want to do. And that is my dream. That is what I will archieve, I'M SURE!

PD: I really enjoy the ''aula d'idiomes class'' that's very good and interesting!!


dissabte, 3 d’octubre del 2009

I & Beagles!

I have chosen this dog because I believe that it suits well in my personality. It belongs to the BEAGLE race, they are playful with the people that they know.

- They love sleeping. They sleep like a log!

- They are hunting dogs. The man used them for hunting for 500 years. Protects the people that they know if they are in danger.

- They eat everything. They would never stop.

- They are a very adaptable dogs. They can live in a garden, or into a house. But it's recommended that they have free space for making their things.

- They're like me because all of these characters.

PD: I have two dogs of this race, and I check this characters.

My puppies:
