divendres, 21 de maig del 2010

I finish my ESO, and now Batxillerat!!

The 23 of June I finish my ESO and I can't believe it because I this for four years!! It's a lot!!

It's incredible that now I will do what I want to. I will do the scientific batxillerat and I'm very happy. I'm sure I will be good with this batxillerat because I love biology, and the other sciences.

My way into my studies it's great and I think I will choose a good career. I'm between marine biology, biochemistry and genetics.

The next year my brother is going to be here, in the high school, and I'm very curious!
He has blond hair, but he is so similar than me. I'm going to help him with the school and the homework, but I think that he won't need me for. ^^


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